Sleep Therapy includes helping to wash out the lower levels of noise for better sleep. These recordings were produced because the producer that created this actually sleeps every night to real air fans in the room. These create a soundbed that lowers the chance of waking up due to outside sources, or sharing a bed, or noisy pets. Sometimes there are airports, traffic and humming in the air that these 1-hour long original ACTUAL FAN RECORDINGS will sonically absorb. They can mimic in situations where you may not have a fan, or do not want to have a fan moving air around while you sleep.

These are all smooth toned throughout, and do not change within their respective recordings. No warbles, no wobbles, no squeaks - these are clean droning fan sounds for your next flight where you don't want music but you need a white noise wash to stay zoned out. This is Doctor Level treatment from our labs to your lobes.

The follow-up 20-Hour/20-Track collection of REAL FANS to SLEEP TO IS HERE! GET/STREAM ALL 10 TRACKS…

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Air Fan Collection

Dr. White's Noise

The ANSWER to your SLEEP PROBLEMS is HERE! Whether you live in a noisy city, next to a snoring spouse or a heavy-breathing dog, DROWN OUT ANNOYING NOISES! Sleep Better… Sleep Wiser… Wake Smarter… Wake Rested… Use our Real Recordings of AIR FANS today!

These Original Recordings were produced by the AL9000 Logic Machine in a Classified Bunker of

The ANSWER to your SLEEP PROBLEMS is HERE! Whether you live in a noisy city, next to a snoring spouse or a heavy-breathing dog, DROWN OUT ANNOYING NOISES! Sleep Better… Sleep Wiser… Wake Smarter… Wake Rested… Use our Real Recordings of AIR FANS today!

These Original Recordings were produced by the AL9000 Logic Machine in a Classified Bunker of CRYPTICON RECORDS HEADQUARTERS. Fan Sounds are essential to the way many people sleep. Whether you are used to the sound of a fan while sleeping as you need air circulating the room, sometimes a fan is not needed, or wanted, but the fan sound IS. So, in comes this FINE COLLECTION of REAL FAN SOUNDS as the solution to the Noisy Modern Human Problem Thing.

Recorded in the Highest Quality Audio and Mastered in Pro Tools, these fan sounds fill the wide spectrum of sound wavelengths you may need filled. Some are heavier on the low end (more bass), and others are higher toned. Bass wavelengths travel through walls and surfaces more as the waveform is longer and eases through space better than higher treble noises. If you are on a flight, or in a car and trying to nap without music - pick the appropriate sound spectrum to cancel out the noise or DROWN IT OUT. You will need to test them in the appropriate environment, but your ultimate end-user experience was taken into account as higher treble hisses were removed and the full-spectrum of hearable audio was examined and modified with EQ to appropriately tune the sound pressures and tones of each track.

I could say I received a DARPA Grant for Troop Welfare and Morale Research Tactics for this, but then I really couldn't tell you that.


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The Original Air Fan Recording release is 10 hours long and has 10 real original Air Fan recordings! GET/STREAM ALL 10 TRACKS…

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Deep Tone Box Fan

Dr. White's Noise

Dr. White is back in session with a thick-toned 20" Box Fan recording for your sleepy evening White Noise soundbed. Relax and focus with this if trying to sleep in places without your trusty fan! This constant tone helps minds ease and unwind for rest.

Adding to the Air Fan Collection made by Dr. White years ago, this deeper toned fan recording

Dr. White is back in session with a thick-toned 20" Box Fan recording for your sleepy evening White Noise soundbed. Relax and focus with this if trying to sleep in places without your trusty fan! This constant tone helps minds ease and unwind for rest.

Adding to the Air Fan Collection made by Dr. White years ago, this deeper toned fan recording employs the logic that larger fan blades create more tone while moving more air making for a deeper sound structure. This constant tone soundbed is perfect for you to loop all night while you sleep. The even recording will create an atmosphere like you are sleeping to air fans (although these recordings don't move air, of course). This can help while on a plane, train or automobile journey where napping needs to have the ambient environment sounds drowned out by a solid monotone sound foundation, or soundbed. Maybe you are sick and can't have the fan on but need the noise so you can concentrate on sleeping instead of the sound of creaking, dripping, snoring, loud neighbors and more. This is sound therapy as a Doctor would prescribe, but you get this medicine online and it is drug free. This type of therapy is real and studies show that sounds release endorphins and dopamine, but can also lead to unsound sleep, so the odd rhythms of urban life can be deadened with a smooth soundbed of real air fan noise, recorded in hi-fi stereo and mastered perfectly for your audio therapeutic consumption.

Look at me ma! Selling air fan sounds so people can sleep better. Just waiting here for 'Big Fan' to get word and try to muscle me out of my own business. Bring it on - I'll make your fan global and still own the rights!

To those in Australia hearing 'the hum' - We at Crypticon feel for you and understand your plight. Thank you for allowing Dr. White's Noise to ease this annoying sound out of your night's rest, and we hope that the tunneling stops someday. Someday liberation will arrive... Check out other releases like "Relaxing Forest Creeks" and "Evening Ocean Serenity at Pacific Beach" as 'Moving Water' sound therapy options. Rushing soundbeds of watery awesomeness recorded live in nature and brought to you to your remote village and wi-fi outpost in the desert are preserved for humanity forever. Water in Motion energizes the soul on many levels, so we hope to charge the main energy flow of all consciousness - yeah, I know, hippie stuff, but if it's real, then I can always look smarter than I was when I decided to record and sell air fan sounds. But it helps and you need it, so stay tuned for more from the office of Dr. White. This is a Doctors order.

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This SINGLE is 1-hour long and features the nice deep tones of a REAL BOX FAN. GET/STREAM IT HERE…

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